Ludacris Joins Epic Book Drive

Six years ago, one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States struck the city of New Orleans leaving the most significant amount of deaths and casualties. This coastline disaster also destroyed most of the city’s public buildings including schools. According to report, 80% of schools in New Orleans were damaged by Hurricane Katrina and in most underserved areas, there’s one (1) book for every 300 children.

In response, American rapper and actor, Ludacris is urging young people to run book drives in their schools and communities, and send them to Better World Books, free of charge. These books will be donated or sold to raise funds for New Orleans’ Recovery School District libraries.

This project is a joint effort of DoSomething.org and Better World Books with Ludacris as the spokesperson. If you are interested, check out more details on how to join Luda and his team in bringing up a brighter future for the children of New Orleans.

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