DMC Leaps Into Comic Books

Back in the day, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels of Run DMC fame once boasted, “I’m DMC, I can draw” and now he’s the creative force behind his own publishing company.

DMC’s Darryl Makes Comics will produce a graphic novel set in the 80 "s and he’s working with Rigo “Riggs” Morales (of Shady Records fame) and editor-in-chief Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez. The whole affair will be jumpstarted by a KickStarter event, seen below.

DMC explained Darrly Makes Comics at a press conference at Midtown Comics.

“I’m just the bait. This ain’t about a rapper starting a comic book, this is about a life-long fan!”

Miranda-Rodriguez told The Source magazine, “We’re putting it into the fans hands, just like hip-hop pushed CDs out of trunks. There’s no corporate backing behind the comic, we’re looking for the fans to [enjoy the comic and] push this for us.”

DMC will work with other artists like Damion Scott, Dexter Vines and Ronald Wimberly to fulfill the creative vision of the comic.

DMC has long made clear his love of comic books and often makes appearances at comic book conventions.


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