Mister Cee Releases PSA, Encourages Viewers To Get Tested

Mister Cee recently appeared in a public service announcement for AIDS Healthcare Foundation and in the PSA he confessed to having an addiction.

“I can honestly say I have an addiction,” the deejay revealed. “And that’s something that I’m gonna have to deal with as I move forward in my life. But to all of you out there, I know there’s a lot of y’all that got y’all situations that y’all go through sexually…Everybody is not living a righteous lifestyle out there, even myself. So, what I wanted to do today was to talk about the importance of safe sex. Talk about the importance of using a condom. Just talking about the importance of being healthy in your life as far as taking a HIV test.”

Mister Cee concluded his PSA by encouraging viewers to take a HIV test and to not feel ashamed when it concerns being tested.

“Get them free condoms. Get yourself checked out for a HIV test. Do not be ashamed. Cause look at me, I’m here talking to you about it and I’m not ashamed,” he revealed.

The PSA featuring Mister Cee can be found below.


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