DJ Jazzy Jeff debuts new Vinyl Destination web series

A New Year signifies fresh starts and new beginnings. But it is also an opportunity for reflection on past experiences, opportunities and lessons learned that provide inspiration for the future.

Enter DJ Jazzy Jeff and his new web series Vinyl Destination.

In 2012, DJ Jazzy Jeff toured the world, literally. And he was able to capture the adventure on camera for everyone to see. Last week, DJ Jazzy Jeff released a preview of Vinyl Destination. Fans have responded eagerly in anticipation of the start of the full series.

The first episode of Vinyl Destination, available now, begins with Jeff "s visit to Hong Kong during his Asian Tour. Subsequent episodes will air biweekly and cover over 50 cities in more than 20 countries across four continents. Viewers will share in the excitement that fans all over the globe enjoyed when their favorite DJ took the stage. Look out for appearances by legendary artists like Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Estelle, Rohan Marley and more.

"I am blessed to be able to travel the world and play music for people to enjoy," said Jeff. "So I thought it would be a great idea to record it this time so that I could take my fans along for the ride."

Filmed and edited by Cristopher Schafer of Virginia-based production company, Visually Inklined, Vinyl Destination shows viewers what it is really like to be one of the world "s busiest DJ "s. In addition to DJ Jazzy Jeff, Schafer and the rest of the Visually Inklined team have also worked with artists like The Roots and Travis Barker.

Schafer was especially impacted by his unforgettable journey with DJ Jazzy Jeff.

"I "ve learned so much about music and its impact on people of all cultures while traveling and filming with DJ Jazzy Jeff," says Schafer of his experience working with Jeff.

Vinyl Destination is a must watch series for everyone. Even those not as familiar with DJ culture will be intrigued by the many facets of Jeff "s voyage. Prepare to revel in the people, food, sights, culture and, most of all, the MUSIC.

Please visit http://www.djjazzyjeff.com/archives/3248 to check out the first installment of the Vinyl Destination series.


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