Remember Tracey Lee? He Is Now An Attorney That Helps Artists

The Many Faces of Tracey Lee: From Rapper to Attorney

Tracey Lee wants to protect artists from signing their lives away in bad contracts.

There are too many stories of artists having a successful career but ending up broke. TLC and Toni Braxton come to mind. On the surface, you see nothing but glamour, shine and glitz, but when the cameras and lights are off, nothing but grime, dullness and emptiness, especially in the bank accounts. Seems like it’s a story that has been written over and over and then over, once again!

Yet, you do have some artists who encounter the same territory and they see a different road and decide to embark on another path to avoid the pitfalls of artists before them. That would describe Tracey Lee, former Universal/Bystorm recording artist. Wait, let me rephrase that, I should say it refers to Tracey Lee, Esq. Yes, you read that correctly, Esq. No, it’s not the name of his latest project (Oh wait, coincidentally, it is!) but the title that follows an attorney.

Tracey Lee is an attorney! Fighting for the rights of those who were once in his position. Making sure that some have a fair chance of actually making money and being successful with their art. It’s a turnaround that if more artists paid attention to, there would be less heartaches and sad stories to read about.

Now, instead of making waves “Bystorm” he is making waves by other means. With a partnership with the woman who he shares a last name with, it’s time that we see why Mr. Lee has decided to go “LLeft!”

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