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MC Dementor

MC Dementor Shows Hip-Hop is A Global Force. We know hip-hop is more than a global phenomenom, proof positive is what is going on with MC Dementor.

Mc Dementor, a Colombian artist that made a song, "King Kong", that began to catch fire in the Sudan and Mideast market. The light success of this hip-hop took MC Dementor on a course that he did not dream of. This Columbian artist was able to branch out with his careeer in a new market.

He was able to follow this up with a video based upon a growing Sudanese fan base and a song called "Africa" with a Sudanese artist, Mohhamed Abd Elateif. With the basis of Facebook, Twitter and other tools of the internet, MC Dementor is catching fire globally. He was able to get a sponsor in the U.S. to open JumpStreet Records. The focus of this record company is to grow hip-hop in the continent of Africa.

Click here to check out MC Dementor @ RareHipHop.com!

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